Constitution First, Party Platform Second

2025 Legislative Session

March 20, 2025

The recent censure by local Republican committees doesn’t change my commitment to the people of District 26, Blaine, Lincoln, and Jerome Counties. When I took my oath of office, I swore to represent my constituents—not to blindly follow party platforms that shift with political winds.

The censure lists bills where I voted against “party principles.” But reading a bill from start to finish reveals complexities that slogans and titles hide. A bill might sound reasonable in its title, but the details often tell a different story. I don’t vote based on party pressure or scorecards. I vote based on what’s best for my district and Idaho.

Take HB93, the “school choice” bill. I believe public dollars should remain with public schools. The Idaho Constitution explicitly prohibits using public funds for religious education. Article IX, Section 5 states that no public funds shall ever be used “to help support or sustain any school, academy, seminary, college, university or other literary or scientific institution, controlled by any church.” Despite claims that the Supreme Court has overruled this provision, that’s simply not true. The Court has only ruled that if a state chooses to fund private education, it cannot exclude religious schools. HB93 had no requirements for parents or private schools to meet, while public schools face numerous mandates. Other states that have implemented similar programs have seen their public education budgets devastated.

I voted against HB32 prohibiting mask mandates because we don’t know what future challenges might require. Limiting our options based solely on past experience is shortsighted. A good government anticipates future needs rather than merely reacting to the past.

HB239 and HB352 regarding parental rights contained vague language that could potentially limit schools’ ability to protect children from abuse. The “opt-in” procedure in HB239 might prevent schools from discussing possible abuse with a child if the potential abuser must give permission first. HB352 restricts classroom discussions on gender identity and sexual orientation to those that are “age appropriate” without defining that term, creating confusion for educators.

HB230 “Shielding Minors from Indecent Exposure” inconsistently protects children at private events but not school events like cheerleading. HB7 on marijuana minimum sentencing removes judicial discretion and imposes fines that won’t deter those who can afford them while punishing those who cannot.

I’m a lifelong Republican who has campaigned and fundraised for Republican candidates for decades. But my responsibility is to the voters in my district—not to precinct committeemen who now claim the authority to determine whether I can call myself a Republican.

The founders warned us about political parties. George Washington cautioned against those who would “subvert the power of the people and usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” I see that warning coming to life in the current party structure.

Voters—not a central committee—will decide if I continue serving. That’s how our democratic republic should work. I trust local communities to know what’s best for themselves, and I apply that same principle to my legislative duties. I carefully consider if issues could be better addressed at the local level with local authorities rather than imposing top-down solutions.

I’m proud of my record and will continue fighting for education, safe communities, and a strong economy that benefits all Idahoans. My allegiance is to the constitution I swore to uphold and to the people who elected me—not to party dogma.

  1. Kenny Saunders says:

    Thank you for standing up for common sense like Idahoans used to believe in. Out of state influence and dark money is a bad deal for our way of lives in our state!

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